  • December 5, 2022 12:46 am
  • Dubai , Dubai United Arab Emirates

Gilsonite would be one the important mineral raw materials that made from crude oil but under surface of earth after more hundred years follow of hot temperatures of earth layers Gilsonite has Bitumen features also because it made from crude oil and some calling us Natural asphalt or mineral bitumen too.
Gilsonite follow its special features has many uses in Drilling fluids like additives, in Asphalt as hot mix additive in ink industries as color stabilizer and in Foundry as mold additives and many other uses.

Gilsonite, also known as natural asphalt, uintaite, or asphaltum, is a naturally occurring, solid hydrocarbon resin. It is a black, lustrous, brittle substance that is found primarily in the west of Iran. Gilsonite has unique physical and chemical properties, making it valuable for various industrial applications.

Key Properties
Appearance: Shiny, black, and brittle.
Composition: Composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen.
Melting Point: Softens at temperatures between 150°C and 220°C.
Solubility: Soluble in aromatic solvents (like benzene) and oils, but not in water.
Common Uses
Ink and Paint: Gilsonite acts as a hard resin, providing a glossy finish to printing inks and paints.
Drilling Fluids: Used in the oil and gas industry to control shale stability and mud density.
Foundry Sands: Utilized in the foundry industry to improve sand mold properties.
Asphalt and Roofing: Enhances asphalt mixes for better performance in road construction and roofing materials.
Adhesives: Used in various adhesive formulations due to its bonding properties.
Enhances product durability and performance.
Provides resistance to UV, water, and chemical exposure in coatings and asphalts.
Gilsonite’s unique characteristics make it a versatile additive across multiple industries, particularly those requiring high-performance materials.

For more details about our Gilsonite and its prices please contact us by email or WhatsApp.WhatsApp: http://wa.me/+971569584522

Email: info@petroacc.com


  • Gilsonite
  • Natural Asphalt
  • Mineral Bitumen
  • Drilling fluids
  • Mud drilling
  • Asphalt
  • Foundry
  • Ink


Dubai , Dubai United Arab Emirates

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